Sunday, September 04, 2005


TP just passed on this very interesting link.
Yubnub- Social Command line for the wed, as the site describes itself, is a very simple idea thats in line with our migration to the concept of the WebOS.

Developed by Jon using a new framework thats rapidly gaining popularity called the Ruby on Rails, it is a very simple concept. It lets you create your own commands for the various services being offered on the web.

You can create a command for any web service available on the net.

For eg: g Yubnub : would result in a google search for yubnub. gmap Melbourne would result in a google map search for Melbourne.

Most popular/useful web commands are called Yubnub Golden Eggs. Its pretty cool. Check it out and lay a few golden eggs if possible :).

Unblokt is yet another service that i came across on Jon's blog. It creates a "web" story, by giving you two sentences from a story and allowing you to enter the sentence in between. The end result should be an interesting read!!!


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    A real enlightening blog. Don't stop now. Here's a subject that interests many; how to buy & sell flash animation on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.

  2. Hi Vinod. I'm glad that you find YubNub useful. And yeah, can't wait to read the final Unblokt manuscript!

  3. You have been Tagged... :D
