Well the success of India's outsourcing industry has been widely written about and discussed threadbare in almost every forum. It is something we as indians have found reason to be proud of and hope to better ourselves in. From basic call centres to actuarial work, reading MRI scans, financial consulting and ofcourse software. The journey has been great so far. And now we have taken the next step. The step that we think is going to take our country to greater heights. Manufacturing.
I read in a recent publication, that 'Many production processes are shifted to other countries, mostly developing countries. This is based not only on economics but also the decreasing acceptance of environmental pollution in industrialized countries, because policy makers and people in developing countries like India are unaware of or indifferent to long-term benefits and costs. They cannot see beyond the tips of their noses.'
This is not something that can be brushed away or taken lightly. Pollution and quality of life are taken seriously world over, and rightly so. After all, like someone said - "Life is not the destination, but its the journey itself".
These countries have been where we are now and are out full swing correcting their mistakes. We just need to learn from their mistakes, instead of repeating them. Just do it right from the beginning.
But thats easier said than done. In India its always been "chalta hai", "swalpa adjust madi".. or simply "I keep my house clean!!!".
While the government can be blamed for everything, from ineffective policy implementation, lack of farsightedness or not providing sufficient facilities, we as Indians ought to learn some self discipline. The government can provide dustbins, but people need to see some use for it.
And of course there is no dearth of argument's. "But the government does not empty the bins on time." will be the prompt reply.
For a majority of us Indians, this is life. It is probably because we have seen/heard no better. And having been in such an environment all along we dont realise what a mess we are in. Just today my parents, back from a train journey in a 3rd AC compartment, casually mentioned how the entire compartment was littered with the covers/bags in which the railways bed sheets are delivered in. The sheets were used and the covers were thrown, well, no place in particular. And people just walked around treading on these covers, least bothered. I guess that in a nutshell is what happens everywhere. There is a general lack of concern.
Only when we as individuals understand and respect the simple need for a clean public environment, can we think of effectively setting up safe, clean manufacturing units without damaging the environment.
I am all for development and more manufacturing work coming to India. But this should be done keeping in mind the impact it could have in the long run.
There is hope, and plenty of it. It is the emergence of the well read, well traveled bourgeoisie Indian, whose voice is gradually being heard above all the political hue and cry. Lots of NGO's are mushrooming all over the country helping these voices. I am sure very soon these voices will reinforce each other to drown out everything else.
It is important that people are given the opportunity to see something done right. And am sure it wont be long before they realize what they have been doing wrong.
Like someone said - " We have not inherited the earth from our forefathers but have borrowed it from our grandchildren."
And we owe this to them. So guys, its your turn to do your bit.
exactly..I dint understand why we have such aversion to keep our environment clean...most indians looks at public space as a public dustbin!!