Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ojos : Revolutionizing Image Search

A product thats likely to be launched very soon, Ojos may revolutionize image search on the web.

It certainly does not sound like a new concept, with many sites like flickr, Picasa already offering services that let you upload, organize and search images.

The key differences seem to lie in the way Ojos is going about doing it. They are relying on two main technologies :face and text recognition. The software according to a couple of blogs that i did get to read, lets you tag your images. It then searches/recognises other pictures of yours and tags them for you.
Aptly named Ojos, which is spanish for "Eyes", it seems to be doing a great job of recognising different pictures of the same person, according to early demos.

It certainly sounds like a product many of us would like to use. What remains to be seen is how much of whats been said is actually going to be made available?

You can catch the latest on the Ojos front on Munjal Shah's blog(the founder of Ojos), which he calls recognizing Deven(his son), seemingly suggesting what ojos is capable of doing.


  1. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Vinod, thanks for the mention. I am curious about your thoughts on a product like this. What would you want it to do, what would you expect of it.

  2. Munjal, Im sure ppl'd like to see how well it really works. Can it recognize a face from a sea of faces??

    Multiple tags, allowing for searching and tagging pics outside ur collection of pics. It all depends on how accurate it is, i suppose.

    The Autotag idea is certainly very useful
